Payment Failure Policy:

At our institution, we strive to provide our customers with a seamless and hassle-free payment experience. To ensure clarity and transparency, we have established the following Payment Failure Policy. Please read this policy carefully to understand the implications of failed or declined payments:

Payment Method:

a. Customers must provide a valid payment method at the time of enrollment for the Notary Public Class in-house financing option.

b. Accepted payment methods include credit cards, debit cards, or any other approved payment method specified during the enrollment process.




a. By providing your payment method details, you authorize us to charge the agreed-upon installment amounts on the scheduled due dates.

b. You are responsible for ensuring that your payment method is valid, active, and has sufficient funds or credit available for the scheduled payments.


Failed Payments: 

a. In the event of a failed payment due to insufficient funds, invalid payment method, or any other reason, we will notify you promptly. b. You will be given a specific timeframe, usually within 48 hours, to rectify the issue and provide a valid payment method or sufficient funds.


Late Payment Penalties: 

a. If a payment failure is not resolved within the given timeframe, a late payment penalty may be imposed. 

b. The late payment penalty amount will be specified in the original financing agreement or as communicated to you during the notification process.


Payment Reattempt: 

a. We will make reasonable efforts to reattempt the failed payment after the specified timeframe for resolution has elapsed. 

b. Additional charges or penalties may apply for each unsuccessful payment reattempt.


Account Suspension or Termination: 

a. Failure to rectify payment failures within a reasonable timeframe may result in the suspension or termination of your access to the Notary Public Class. 

b. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your enrollment and financing agreement if payment issues persist or if you breach any other relevant policies or agreements.



a. We will communicate with you promptly regarding any payment failures or issues, providing instructions on how to rectify the situation. 

b. It is your responsibility to promptly respond to our communications and take necessary actions to resolve the payment failure.


Payment Disputes: 

a. If you believe there has been an error or dispute related to a payment failure, please contact our customer support team immediately. 

b. We will work with you to investigate and resolve any genuine payment disputes in a fair and timely manner.


It is important to understand and comply with our Payment Failure Policy to maintain uninterrupted access to the Notary Public Class. If you have any questions or concerns regarding payment failures or this policy, please reach out to our customer support team for assistance.