Loan Signing PRO

A system designed to teach you to ditch your nervousness and unlock your potential.

Learn with hands on training in class. Available on class dates.

Loan signing course access for six months from date of purchase. Pause, play and rewind as much as needed.

Want someone to conintue to check on you to make sure you grt thr work neded. If not, we will help come with a plan.

We have the videos to help you and even printable forms. This can assist you with signing loan documents and regular.

Who are we and why we created this system?

First, hey, we’re Notary Public Class. As you may have assumed with our name, we offer notary classes. We certify many notaries in California. And we understand that the notary industry is very lucrative. We also understand its important to be prepared for the notary industry as the lowest fine you can recieve is $500 (and thats for not changing your name or address). With that being said why not allow us to teach you how to become a loan signing agent with notary public class.

Get paid for a lucrative side hustle.

Learn from professionals how to begin, market and grow your career as a mobile notary. We offer you all the tools you need to succeed, whether you're looking to start as a part-time notary or want to sign up full time. Signing is an excellent way to make extra money, and we'll help you do it.

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Get Loan Signing Workshop for $45 a Month!
Frequently Asked Questions

This class is intended training for your notary commission. This is not for certification of a notary commission.

This class is entended training for your notary commission. This is not for certification of a notary commission.

A Notary Signing Agent (NSA) is a Notary who has extended training to handle and notarize loan papers. Notary Signing Agents are the final critical link to complete the loan for lenders. They are private contractors who help borrowers close their home by helping sign, notarize and return loan packages for processing. 

The search of Criminal Records (Goes back 10 Years)

Number Trace on Social Security

Criminal Court Search through County

Records for Motor Vehicle

Sex Offender National Check

Criminal Database Nationwide 

Court Search through Federal District

USA Patriot Act including Terrorist Watch List 

As a notary signing agent, you have the borrower’s private financial information. Because of this, lenders instruct title companies to ensure notaries are screened and cleared before obtaining closing documents.

The only one thing that separates achievers from non-achievers is that they enlist the help of others to make progress.