Who Can View a Notary Journal? Understanding Access and Privacy

what is the notary journal
who can view a notary journal

Navigating the world of notarial acts can be intricate, especially when it comes to understanding who has the right to access a notary’s journal. As a notary public, maintaining a journal is not just a best practice; in many states, it’s a legal requirement. But who can view a journal entries? Let’s delve into the specifics.

1. The Importance of a Notary Journal

A notary journal serves as a detailed record of all notarial acts performed by a notary public. Each entry in the notary’s journal captures essential details about the type of notarial act, the parties involved, and the date of the act. This meticulous record-keeping ensures transparency and accountability in the notary profession.

who can view a notary's journal in California
who can view a notary journal

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2. Who Can Access the Journal?

While the notary journal is the property of the notary, its contents aren’t entirely private. Here’s a breakdown of who can access it:

  • Law Enforcement: In cases where legal investigations necessitate it, law enforcement agencies can access a notary’s journal. This is especially true if the notarial act is part of a larger investigation.
  • Public Officials: In some states, public officials, especially those from the Secretary of State’s office, can request to view the journal. This is typically done to ensure that notaries comply with state laws and notary regulations.
  • Court Order: If a court deems it necessary, a notary may be compelled to produce their journal. This usually happens when a notarial act becomes part of legal proceedings.

3. What About the General Public?

While notaries serve the public, it doesn’t mean anyone can walk up and demand to see the journal. The notary’s journal is protected from indiscriminate public viewing. However, in some states, with satisfactory proof of identity and legitimate interest, individuals can request certified copies of specific journal entries.

4. Protecting the Journal

Given the sensitive information contained within, notaries must ensure their journal’s safety. This means keeping it under lock and key when not in use and never leaving it unattended. The notary seal, often used with journal entries, should also be safeguarded to prevent misuse.

5. The Role of State Laws

It’s essential to note that public records laws and notary laws vary from state to state. While some states may require notaries to allow certain individuals or entities to view their journals, others might have stricter privacy protections. Always refer to your state’s specific guidelines.

6. Exceptions to the Rule

There are certain situations, like attorney-client privilege, where the journal’s contents might be shielded from external viewing. However, these exceptions are rare and are determined on a case-by-case basis.


While a crucial tool for notaries, the notary journal isn’t an open book for everyone. It’s a delicate balance between transparency and privacy, ensuring that the integrity of notarial acts is maintained while protecting the rights and details of those involved. If you’re a notary or someone involved in a notarial act, understanding these nuances can help you navigate the process more effectively. Always stay updated with your state’s regulations and ensure you’re operating within the bounds of the law.

FAQ: Access and Regulations of a Notary Journal

1. Which parties are permitted to view a notary journal?

While the notary journal is primarily the property of the notary, specific parties can access it under certain conditions. These parties include law enforcement agencies during legal investigations, public officials from the Secretary of State’s office for compliance checks, and individuals or entities with a court order. In some states, individuals with a legitimate interest and satisfactory proof of identity can request certified copies of specific journal entries.

2. What happens if I don’t turn in my notary journal?

Failure to turn in or surrender your notary journal when required, such as at the end of your commission term or upon request by authorized entities, can lead to legal consequences. Depending on state regulations, notaries might face penalties, fines, or even the revocation of their notary commission. You must know your state’s specific guidelines regarding surrendering or retaining notary journals.

3. Who signs the notary journal?

The individual whose document is notarized must sign the notary journal. This signature serves as an acknowledgment of the notarial act and provides an added layer of verification. The notary public does not sign the journal entry but ensures that all details of the notarial act are accurately recorded.

4. Can I cross it out in my notary journal?

It’s generally advised against alterations, cross-outs, or erasures in a notary journal. If a mistake is made, the best practice is to draw a single line through the error, make the correction nearby, and initial the change. This ensures the journal’s integrity and transparency. Always refer to your state’s specific guidelines on handling errors in a notary journal.

5. What is the process for requesting a copy of a notary journal entry?

Any public member may submit a written request for a copy of a transaction in your notary public journal in California, and you are required to respond within 15 business days after receiving the request (California Government Code sections 8206[c] and 8206.5). The request should include satisfactory proof of identity and a legitimate interest. However, the notary’s journal is protected from indiscriminate public viewing, emphasizing the balance between transparency and privacy.

6. Are notary journals considered public records in every state?

No, notary journal status as a public record can vary by state. In Oregon, for instance, if the notary journal is in the possession of the Secretary of State’s office or if the notary public is a public official or employee, it falls under public record disclosure laws. Always be aware of your state’s guidelines and laws regarding notary journals.

7. How can a notary ensure the security of their journal?

Given the sensitive information contained within, notaries must take steps to ensure the security of their journals:

  • Storage: Keep the notary journal under lock and key when not in use to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Notary Seal: Safeguard the seal, often used with journal entries, to prevent misuse.

Ensuring the physical security of the journal is crucial in maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of notarial acts. Read our article for more information about losing the journal.

8. Can a notary public maintain two journals simultaneously?

No, a notary public must keep one active sequential journal at a time for all notarial acts performed. Keeping more than one active journal is not allowed. This requirement ensures a clear and continuous record of notarial acts.

9. What are the essential details recorded in a California notary journal?

California Notary Journal Requirements include recording the date, time, and type of each official act (e.g., acknowledgment, jurat), the character of every instrument sworn to or acknowledged, and the signature of each person whose signature is notarized. Adhering to these requirements ensures comprehensive and transparent documentation of notarial acts.

Remember, notary laws and regulations can vary by state, so it’s crucial to stay updated with your state’s specific guidelines and operate within the bounds of the law. Always consult the latest legal resources for the most accurate information.