Becoming a notary


The path to becoming a notary public is fairly straightforward. You can complete the application process in one day, and then you’ll have your commission within a few weeks. Before you start this journey, though, make sure it’s right for you. Notaries are generally self-employed, so if you don’t like being alone with your thoughts while working at home alone all day (or not), then this might not be the best fit for you!

Become a notary

  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • You must complete notary education if applicable
  • If applicable, you’ll be required to take a notary exam.
  • You must be a resident of the state of commission certificate
  • You must purchase a surety bond
  • You do not need to be a citizen of the United States.
  • You need to apply for a notary commission through your state government (or some states allow you to apply at the county level). Each state has its own application and procedures, so research your state’s website carefully before applying.

What tools are needed to operate?

To operate as a notary. You will perform “notarization”, also known as notarial act. With notarizing documents, you will need your notary seal and journal.

  • You will be issued an official seal by your state government or county clerk that is used in place of a signature on documents when you are acting as a notary public. It should be kept safe and secure at all times, because it is considered evidence of your authority as a commissioned officer under the laws of this country!
  • Your journal contains information about all activities related to each individual document signed by yourself during business hours or after hours via electronic means—including any fees charged for services rendered during those times.
  • * Your bond protects consumers from fraud committed by unscrupulous individuals claiming professional status within their field who might otherwise cause harm if left unchecked by regulations like these ones which require bonding coverage for all commissioned officers including but not limited specifically limited specifically limited specifically limited specifically limited specifically increased risk increased risk increased risk increased risk increased risk increased risk

Apply for notary commission

You can apply for your commission by contacting the state where you want to become a notary by following these steps:

  • Apply for a notary commission. You must submit an application form with your personal information, including name and address, social security number, and driver’s license or identification card number. Many states also require documentation proving you have good moral character.
  • If this is the case in your state, then you will need to provide proof of your current employment history as well as personal references who can vouch for both work ethic and honesty. Additionally, if there are any felonies on your criminal record (not including minor traffic violations), they will be revealed during this process and may disqualify you from becoming a notary public in that state (or possibly any other).
  • Pay the application fee required by your state government before submitting the completed paperwork so it can be reviewed and processed quickly enough for exam day at least two weeks later. If possible, try calling ahead about whether or not there is space left yet available within their published schedule; sometimes last minute cancellations happen due to illness or injury so keep checking back until someone tells them what happened!
  • After receiving approval from officials with whom they spoke earlier today over lunch break – “I’ll get right back.” They just ate something spicy which might explain why everything seems slow now… – applicants must sign off on several paragraphs detailing terms & conditions regarding responsibilities involved during tenure as well as responsibilities after leaving office; these include confidentiality agreements regarding conversations held while performing duties while serving community interest above self interest solely based upon religious belief systems rather than political affiliations

Purchase supplies

When you become a notary, you will need to purchase several items in order to perform your duties. The most important of these is the seal and embosser that will be used as part of your stamp. When you are purchasing this equipment, it’s important to make sure that it meets state regulations so that it can be legally used.

You should also invest in a high-quality notary journal and keep track of all transactions with this tool; an online course like “Becoming A Notary Public” will help explain each step in detail so there are no surprises when you’re ready to start working!

Can you make a living as a notary public?

There are many reasons to become a notary public. The most obvious is that you can make a good, great or even fantastic living as one. But how much money do notaries make? First, let’s cover some basics about becoming a notary public in the United States and then we’ll address how much money you can expect to make as one.

Being a notary is a valuable service

Notaries are valuable members of the community. Not only do they keep your important documents safe and secure, but they also help you with things like legal and financial transactions. If you’re thinking about becoming a notary, stop by our office today!


Being a notary public is a valuable service that can help you make money and meet new people. If you have the right set of skills, it’s also a great way to start your own business. It’s important to remember that becoming certified doesn’t mean that you’ll be successful overnight; just like anything else in life, there will be ups and downs along the way.

But if you keep at it through thick and thin—and don’t give up!—you’ll soon see results come rolling in (literally). And once those rewards start rolling in… well then congratulations! You’ve made it through yet another milestone on your journey towards success 🙂